Are you tired of starting and stopping your
New Year Resolutions?

Stop the cycle.
Start something NEW.

The Heart-o-lution


A promise that you make to yourself to start doing something good or stop doing something bad on the first day of the year.*

*Only 9% of Americans that make resolutions complete them.


An intention you set with yourself to start BEING who God created you to be, NOW!*

*God will finish what He started IN you.

A resolution is the world's way, the Heart-o-lution is God's way.

A resolution may be temporarily life-changing, the Heart-o-lution is eternally life-giving.

A resolution is self-powered, the Heart-o-lution is Spirit-powered. 

A resolution is about doing something, the Heart-o-lution is about being someone.

A resolution focuses on making a change, the Heart-o-lution focuses on making a difference.

❤️-Connection Community

facilitated by Stacey Siekman

Facing Pain. Finding Peace Together.

Inviting all women aged 50 & up who are facing a “mountain” of pain yet yearning to find peace, to join us weekly every Wednesday at 10:30 am MST, via Zoom, to:

  • gather in fellowship

  • gain a fresh perspective

  • get emotionally supported

  • grow real and meaningful relationships

Grab your seat below:

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: 
The old has gone, the new is here."

2 Corinthians 5:17

Join us to become:


Be who God created you to be.


Set your heart and mind on things above.


Free to live a full and abundant life.